omyjasper if you watch this, if you dont laugh then i will take Sweeney's knife and--
*sinking down onto knees clutching face* its soooooo funny!!!!!!!
PLEASE WATCH IT!!!!...whoever you are.. unless you are my Mad Sister..
This is what happens=
I knew you would try reading it so NO!!!! *sticking tongue out*
But i should just say that from my memory from watching this two minutes ago ( I might have said "Schnap" in the wrong places but..) this is what i remember:::::::
1) Toby un-cuts Mr. Todd and all his blood goes back in his neck
2) Toby walks backwards and lives in the sewers (forever?)
3) Sweeney puts Beggar Woman down on floor..(says "Schnap."
5) Stares...(says "Schnap.")
6) Ditches her cuz now she's boring and was sooo three minutes ago...(says "Schnap.")
7) Goes to stove/oven/thing and unlocks it
8) Sees Mrs. Lovett burning in there
9) Stares...(im not sure if he said Schnap or not..)
10) Pulls her out (YESSSSS!!!!)
11) Mrs. Lovett heals in less then a second
12) They start waltzing
13) (Mrs.Lovett says-- no not Schnap, good guess, but no! Mrs Lovett says.... SYRUP!!!!)
14) Stops waltzing and Sweeney backs away
15) Mrs. Lovett slowly comes forward
16) Looks like he's saying two bad words
17) Suddenly gets all sad(mood swings..) and turns away from Mrs. Lovett
15) Sinks down to floor (In my mad mind at first i thought he was a submarine then i started singing Jay Sean's "Down" in my mind :S)....(Baby are you down down down down down! Dowwwwwn! Dowwwwn! Even if the sky is falling Down!)..*Watch out Sweeney!!!!!)
16) Mrs. Lovett(this was bound to happen..) anyway, Mrs. Lovett backs away and stands not far away from...*dun dun dun*....the oven...
I hope i didn't spoil anything ^_^
Have an absolutely Schnap and Schnappy life!!!!!!!!!
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